Dakota Strength Aframax oil tanker
We are excited to announce the sale of Dakota Strength, built in 2007. This investment will provide yet another successful return for our clients and continue to build our long term reputation for achieving excellent returns to our investors . We are proud of our long-standing partnership with Atlas Maritime. We originally purchased the vessel in 2019 for $21.250m‘ Martin Haugaard, CEO of European Maritime Finance.
Atlas Maritime lead the initiative together with European Maritime Finance.Atlas Maritime and European Maritime Finance have a proven record of consistently providing positive returns to investors. Please click here to see our track record…
“The best returns in shipping require a counter-cyclical approach and an early mover advantage, both on the way in and on the way out. We continuously monitor the markets, study the fundamentals and strive to identify the next undervalued sector.” Leon Patitsas, CEO of Atlas Maritime.
“We are proud of our long company history, solid track record and well-earned reputation, as an entrusted partner/owner/operator of modern tonnage. We appreciate our partnership with European Maritime Finance who have actively followed our lead, embraced our vision and supported our growth strategy over the years and we remain committed to expanding our relationship through more lucrative deals in the near future.” Leon Patitsas, CEO of Atlas Maritime.
For media inquiries, please contact: ahl@maritimefinance.dk